David Labaree

Recomiendo la lectura de David Labaree, posee una visión aguda, profunda y crítica de la situación de la profesión docente hoy en día desde una perspectiva histórica.  David Labaree es profesor de Historia de la Educación en Stanford.


Algunas publicaciones suyas:

Muy interesante  The Trouble with Ed Schools
Educational Foundations, 10:3, Summer 1996, 27-45.


Limits on the Impact of Educational Reform: The Case of Progressivism and U.S. Schools, 1900-1950
Paper presented at conference on The Century of the School: Continuity and Innovation During the First Half of the 20th Century, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, September, 2007.

Understanding the Rise of American Higher Education: How Complexity Breeds AutonomyUnder review; earlier version presented as vice presidential address, Division F, American Educational Research Association, April, 2006.

Citizens and Consumers: Changing Visions of Virtue and Opportunity in U.S. Education, 1841-2002
Revised version of paper presented at conference on Republican and Non-Republican Imaginations: Comparative Visions and developments of Schooling from the 18th Century to 1930. Pestalozzian Research Institute for the History of Education, Zurich (University of Applied Sciences, Zurich, February 2007).

An Uneasy Relationship: The History of Teacher Education in the University
In Cochran-Smith, Marilyn, Feiman Nemser, Sharon, & McIntyre, John (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Enduring Issues in Changing Contexts (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Association of Teacher Educators, forthcoming 2008.

Getting It Wrong
In Education, Markets, and the Public Good: The Selected Works of David F. Labaree (pp. 1-14). London: Routledge, 2007.

Mutual Subversion: A Short History of the Liberal and the Professional in American Higher Education
History of Education Quarterly, 46:1, pp. 1-15, Spring 2006; a shorter version was given as the Presidential Address, History of Education Society, October, 2005

Life on the Margins
Journal of Teacher Education, 56:3, pp. 186-191, May/June 2005.

Progressivism, Schools, and Schools of Education: An American Romance
Paedagogica Historica, 41:1&2, pp. 275-288, February, 2005

The Ed School's Romance with Progressivism
In Diane Ravitch, Ed., Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2004

The Peculiar Problems of Preparing Educational Researchers
Educational Researcher, 32:4, pp. 13-22, May 2003

No Exit: Public Education as an Inescapably Public Good
In Larry Cuban and Dorothy Shipps, Eds., Reconstructing the Common Good, Stanford University Press, 2000 (pp. 110-129)

On the Nature of Teaching and Teacher Education: Difficult Practices That Look Easy
Journal of Teacher Education, 51:3, 2000, pp. 228-233

Resisting Educational Standards
Phi Delta Kappan, 82:1, September 2000, pp. 28-33.

Educational Researchers: Living with a Lesser Form of Knowledge
Educational Researcher, 27:8, pp. 4-12, November 1998

Public Goods, Private Goods: The American Struggle over Educational Goals
American Educational Research Journal, 34:1, Spring 1997, pp. 39-81



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