David Labaree
Recomiendo la lectura de David Labaree, posee una visión aguda, profunda y crítica de la situación de la profesión docente hoy en día desde una perspectiva histórica. David Labaree es profesor de Historia de la Educación en Stanford.
Algunas publicaciones suyas:
Muy interesante The Trouble with Ed Schools
Educational Foundations, 10:3, Summer 1996, 27-45.
Limits on the Impact of Educational Reform: The Case of Progressivism and U.S. Schools, 1900-1950 Understanding the Rise of American Higher Education: How Complexity Breeds AutonomyUnder review; earlier version presented as vice presidential address, Division F, American Educational Research Association, April, 2006. Citizens and Consumers: Changing Visions of Virtue and Opportunity in U.S. Education, 1841-2002 An Uneasy Relationship: The History of Teacher Education in the University Getting It Wrong Mutual Subversion: A Short History of the Liberal and the Professional in American Higher Education Life on the Margins Progressivism, Schools, and Schools of Education: An American Romance The Ed School's Romance with Progressivism The Peculiar Problems of Preparing Educational Researchers No Exit: Public Education as an Inescapably Public Good On the Nature of Teaching and Teacher Education: Difficult Practices That Look Easy Resisting Educational Standards Educational Researchers: Living with a Lesser Form of Knowledge Public Goods, Private Goods: The American Struggle over Educational Goals |